NEET is one of the most reputed and hence one of the most competitive exams in India. It requires more than just books to crack NEET. Our research team gives the following tips as preparation strategy:

• Trust your guide

With google maps coming in, trusting someone blindly has got a whole new meaning, hasn’t it? Same applies in the case of your NEET preparation, find a guide (your google map) and trust them, trust their methods, trust their suggestions, trust their ways. Remember, your guide has guided hundreds before you and will guide hundreds after you, there must be something why so many trust him/her. What if you choose the wrong guide? Google maps also leads you to dead end at times right? So be wise, choose a good guide.

• Choose someone to handover your NEET time table to, give them the freedom to question you.

Gen Z does not like to be questioned. We understand that, but to crack NEET certain things should change. No matter how good we are at what we do, as humans we tend to slip, we tend to falter, we tend to fall, even Gen Z by the way. That is when the person who has the right to question us pitches in, they question us so that we fall back on track. So who is your unofficial NEET coach?

• Well structured study hours

When we know that 1+1=2, then why not try 3-1? Although the result is the same, the approach can be different. NEET aspirants must invest maximum efforts during their preparation phase and understand various methods to solve a question. This can be achieved by developing well-structured study hours which helps a student work on their weak areas.

• Solve multiple question papers

Make it a point to solve as many question papers as possible once you are thorough with the subjects. Solving previous year’s question papers is a must. This will help a student manage time better. In pressure situations, managing time can sometimes be a very decisive factor in cracking NEET. No better way to test that skill than to solve question papers keeping a clock very close to you.

• Clear your doubts

A famous proverb says, “He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever”. NEET does not consider the number of times you asked questions and clarified your doubts with your teacher before exams, what it does test is whether you are clear of those doubts. Every doubt is an opportunity to learn better, so we suggest you should ask as many doubts and questions as possible.

• Keep a tab on your health

Covid has changed many things, writing the NEET exam from hospital is not one of them. Doing things is good, overdoing things will not only impact your preparations but also your health. Be conscious about what you eat, stay healthy, have adequate sleep/rest, meditate, calm your mind from time to time. All this is definitely going to have a positive impact on your preparations and the ultimate test.

Parishrama NEET Academy encourages students to go beyond what they believe they can achieve because we believe that you can achieve more. Login to our website for model question papers, official NEET announcements, and many more.